CAT Exam Date, Notification, Syllabus, Registration, & Exam Pattern

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CAT, CAT Exam Notification, CAT Syllabus, CAT Registration Process, and CAT Exam Pattern

The Indian Institutes of Management (IIMs) will conduct the computer-based Common Admission Test (CAT) on Sunday, November [date], in two sessions. The CAT exam serves as a pre-requisite for admission to various management programs offered by the IIMs

The exam is scheduled to be held on November CAT Registration will commence from August, and the last date for the same is September. This year, the exam will be conducted in approximately 156 exam centers across the country. Last year, the exam was conducted at 147 exam centers.

CAT Exam Highlights

CAT Conducting Body IIM Kozhikode
Official Website
Mode of CAT 2022 Computer Based Test
Official Notification July 
Exam Date November 
Exam Duration

Total: 120 minutes 

Section wise: 40 minutes per section

Eligibility Graduation Degree with 50% Aggregate
Number of Sessions Morning: 8:30 AM to 10:30 AM
Afternoon: 12:30 PM to 2:30 PM
Evening: 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM
Total Sections 3 (Quantitative Aptitude, Verbal and Reading Comprehension, Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning)
CAT 2022 Application Fee NC-OBC category candidates is INR 2,300. For SC/ST/PwD category candidates, the fees is INR 1,150
Courses Offered Admission to MBA/PGDM Courses
CAT 2022 Participating Institute IIMs, IITs, FMS, ISB and other B-Schools

CAT Important Dates

CAT important dates are given below:

Event Date
Official Notification of CAT  July 
CAT Application Form August 3 – September 
Form Correction Window CAT  Fourth week of September, 
Release of CAT  Admit Card October – November 
CAT Exam Date November 
CAT Result Date First week of January


The candidate must have a Bachelor’s Degree, with a minimum of 50% marks or equivalent CGPA, [the minimum marks required for SC/ST/PwD candidates is 45%] awarded by any University or educational institution as incorporated by an Act of Parliament or State law-makers in India or declared to be deemed as a University underneath Section 3 of the UGC Act, 1956, or possess a similar qualification recognized by the Ministry of HRD, Government of India.

Candidates showing up for the final year of Bachelor’s degree/equivalent course and candidates who have completed degree requirements and are awaiting results may also apply.

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₹1150 for SC/ST/PwD candidates. ₹2300 for all other candidates. Please note that a candidate needs to pay the registration fee only once, irrespective of the number of institutes he/she is applying for. SC, ST and PwD candidates will have to upload a copy of their SC/ST/PwD certificates at the time of registration. Fees once paid will not be refunded below any circumstances.


The CAT registration window opens on August  and will close at 5:00 p.m. on September . The details will be accessible within the registration guide. At the time of registration, the candidates have to select any four test cities, as per their preference, from a drop-down menu. After the last date of registration, candidates will be allotted one of the four most well-liked cities subject to convenience. In the rare case that a candidate is not allotted any of the preferred cities, he/she will be allotted a nearby city. The candidates can download the admit cards from October, until November.

CAT Exam Pattern

Candidates should check the CAT Exam Pattern before appearing in the exam so that they can perform well.

Exam Mode Online
Sessions Two (Morning and Evening)
Type of Questions MCQs
Number of Questions 100
Marking Scheme Correct Answer: +3,Wrong Answer: -1


Sections Subjects Time Allotted Number of Questions Total Marks
Section I Verbal Ability and Reading Comprehension 60 minutes 34 102
Section II Data Interpretation and Logical Reasoning 60 minutes 32 96
Section III Quantitative Ability 60 minutes 34 102
Total 180 minutes 100 300 -

CAT Syllabus

The detailed CAT Syllabus is given below:

Section Sub-Topics
Verbal and Reading Comprehension Verbal reasoning, analogies and reverse analogies, sentence correction, facts inference judgments, syllogism, antonyms, and synonyms, fill in the blanks, critical reasoning, summary questions, passage-based questions
Data Interpretation Area graph, Venn diagram, Line and Pie Charts, Column and Bar graphs, Case lets and Tables
Logical Reasoning Number and letter series, Syllogism, Clocks, Directions, Blood relations, Binary Logic, Coding-decoding, calendars and cubes, Logical sequence, Matrix, and linear arrangement
Quantitative Ability Number system, Permutation and Combination, Geometry, Algebra, Mixtures and Allegations, Ratio & Proportion, Logarithm, Functions, Time & Work, Coordinate Geometry, Trigonometry,  and Mensuration


Candidates' CAT scorecards will be made accessible on the CAT website. The CAT results are likely to be declared by the second week of January. The CAT score is valid only till December.

CAT Percentile Predictor - Click Here to Check

I hope this article was helpful and provided you with all the information you need,

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