Candidates can check the step-by-step procedure listed below to check results of NEET and download their scorecards.
Step 1: Visit the official website -
Step 2: Search for NEET (UG) – Result Link, then Click on the "View NEET (UG) - Result" tab given on the screen, check below screen:
Step 3: Enter your application number, date of birth and security pin displayed on screen.
Step 4: Click “Submit” down to the fields.
Step 5: Check and download NEET Rank Card and keep it safe with you for future reference.
Details Given on NEET Rank Card / Score Card
The NEET Rank Card will have all the following details in it. The score card is valid for one year which can be downloaded from online for your reference.
Know About NEET Exam
National Testing Agency (NTA) is all set to declare the NEET Results on June. Contenders of this national level medical entrance test aspirants can check their result from the official website. Now, if you question is How to Check NEET Result from the official portal, we have the answer for it in the post in the step-wise procedure. So, do go through this post completely and know the process.
NEET Result will be announced on or before June 5. National Testing Agency (NTA) will announce the results in online mode on official website which is To check NEET result, candidates must login by entering their application number, date of birth and security code; alternately, the link to check the result would also be updated on this page. NEET result would be available in the form of score card with details like candidate's name and roll number, subject-wise and total marks, percentile score, All India Rank, category rank, and also category-wise qualifying cutoff. Along with the declaration of the NEET result, the list of 50 toppers will also be released by NTA. NEET qualified candidates will be eligible to participate in either central counseling conducted by MCC or state counseling conducted by the respective states or both. Seat allotment for MBBS/ BDS seats will be based on the NEET rank (or marks) of the candidate. It is to be noted that MCC and the individual states will release separate merit lists for seat allotment.
NTA NEET Results
NEET – The national level entrance exam has been conducted by the NTA for all those seeking admission in to the medical courses i.e., MBBS and BDS courses at government and private institutions of the country. The exam has been took place in the month of May and lakhs of candidates from across India has taken part in this offline exam successfully. Usually after one month of the completion of the NEET, the exam conducting authority will declare the result and so, this year NEET UG Result 2019 can be expected on June mostly in the 1st week of the month which is same as last year. The NEET Rank letters will be released in the month of July.
NEET result will the basis of the merit ranks used to fill 66,771 MBBS and 27,148 BDS seats across India. Admission to 449 B.V.Sc & A.H. and other allied courses like AYUSH would also be made based on result of NEET. From the current academic session, a number of foreign medical and dental colleges would also accept NEET scores for admission purpose.
A total of 15.19 lakh candidates have applied for NEET sessions. Last year, out of 13, 26,725 test takers, as many as 7, 14,562 candidates qualified for All India Quota and state counseling.
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