XAT: Exam Date, Registration, Important Dates, Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Eligibility, Admit Card and Result

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XAT: Exam Date, Registration, Important Dates, Syllabus, Exam Pattern, Eligibility, Admit Card and Result

XLRI has released the notification for the XAT exam on August 23. The XAT exam is scheduled to take place on January 5. Register with us to stay updated on the latest details about the XAT exam.

Xavier Aptitude Test (XAT) is a national-level examination conducted by Xavier Labour Relations Institute (XLRI), Jamshedpur, for aspirants of management studies across the country. In addition to XLRI and 10 other XAMI member institutes, over 700 B-schools accept XAT scores for admission to their postgraduate management programs. The exam is held at various centers nationwide and serves as a gateway to MBA admissions in prestigious institutions such as XLRI, SPJIMR, IMT, XIMB, TAPMI, XIME, and over 150 other MBA colleges in India. Below are some of the top-ranking colleges that accept XAT scores.

  • XLRI – Xavier School of Management, Jamshedpur
  • TAPMI Management Institute, Manipal
  • Institute of Management Technology, Ghaziabad
  • Xavier Institute of Management, Xavier University, Bhubaneswar
  • Loyola Institute of Business Administration, Chennai
  • Great Lakes Institute of Management, Chennai
  • SPJIMR, Mumbai
  • Institute of Finance and International Management, Bangalore
  • Goa Institute of Management, Goa
  • Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra.

Candidates appearing in the test ought to score good so as to crack good management institutions for their desired courses. Aspirants should know the list of colleges so that they may prepare for it accordingly. It is also important to remember that the cut-off of a top-ranked B-School will be more than that of the others. Therefore, so as to get the top college, preparation for XAT becomes very important.

Preparation for an all India level examination must include practicing XAT mock tests and previous years’ question paper. This will make very easy for the candidates in understanding the exam pattern and structure of XAT, making the preparation plan smooth and easy. A good preparation plan also includes knowing and following the rules and regulations prescribed by XLRI, so that candidates do not miss out important points or fall in any kind of misconduct and lose their candidature by any means.

XAT Registration Begin:

XAT MBA Exam Dates have been formally announced by the Xavier School of Management. XSM which conducts XAT entrance exam for MBA aspirants has also commenced the online registration process for the test on its official website from mid-night of 23rd August. MBA aspirants who are interested in appearing for XAT MBA entrance exam, can now register themselves for the test by visiting xatonline.in. XAT exam is scheduled to be held on 5th January in the morning slot i.e. from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM.

XAT Registration Fees

The XLRI gives an option to pay the fee online via credit card, debit card, and internet banking. Candidates please fill the fee before the last date to avoid late registration charges. In case, you miss the deadline, still, you can pay the fee by paying the additional amount.



Late Fee

Registration Fee

Rs 1750/-

Rs 2000/-

Fee for XLRI Courses

Rs 300/-

Rs 500/-

Indian candidates applying for GMP via GMAT

Rs 2500/-

Foreign candidates applying through GMAT

Rs 5000/-


XAT Overview

Name of the Exam

Xavier Aptitude Test, also known as XAT

Conducting body

XLRI Jamshedpur

Exam type

National Level Post-Graduate exam

Mode of the Exam

Online (Computer-based)

Duration of the Exam

3 hours

Annual No. of Test Takers

Approx. 75,000

Exam Pattern

Objective and Subjective questions

Negative Marking

Yes (0.25 marks or 1/4th of the total marks for each wrong answer)

XAT Convertor

Notified soon (XAT Convertor - Fr Antony Uvari)

Programmes Offered by XLRI

Business Management (BM), Human Resource Management (HRM), Global Business Management (GBM) and General Management Programme (GMP)


XAT Important Dates

XLRI has announced the XAT exam date, XAT application fee, XAT admit Card date, XAT result date among other important dates for XAT exam as under:

XAT Exam Date

XAT Exam Date

XAT Date for Notification

August 23

XAT Exam Registration Date

August 23

Last date for XAT Exam Registration & Application submission online without late fee

November 30

XAT Registration Last date with late fee

December 10

XAT Exam Admit Card Release Date

December, 20

Last date to Download XAT Admit Card

January 5

XAT Exam Date

January 5 (9.30 AM to 12.30 PM)

XAT Exam Result date

By January 31 (Expect on Jan 25)

XAT Syllabus

The XAT syllabus and pattern changes every year. XLRI doesn’t release any specific syllabus for XAT. XAT Syllabus and pattern is not pre-defined by XLRI. However, every year, the XAT Syllabus and pattern is updated by XAT experts with anticipated changes in XAT exam pattern and the topics. XAT syllabus is also updated section wise.However, a list of topics for the exam isbased on the previous years’ pattern. XAT syllabus includes topics from four subjects: decision making, verbal & logical Ability, quantitative ability & data interpretation and general knowledge. Take a look at the complete syllabus below to prepare for XAT  which is scheduled to be held on January 5..

XAT Syllabus: Overview


Important topics

Verbal and Logical Ability

Reading comprehension and vocabulary, analogy based on vocabulary, para Jumble, grammar, critical reasoning and inference, para completion, etc.


Decision Making

Decision making, analogy, seating arrangement, logical sequence, assumption, premise, conclusion, etc.

Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation

Tables and caselets, percentage, surds and indices, algebra, mensuration, bar diagrams, pie charts, etc.


General Knowledge

Science, economy, business, politics, static GK, sports, prize and award, world, government, constitution of India, etc.



XAT Exam Pattern 

Mentioned below are XAT sections, number of questions in each section and marks allotted to them:


Number of questions

Marks allotted

Decision Making



Verbal and Logical Ability



Quantitative Ability & Data  Interpretation



General Knowledge







Section wise XAT Syllabus

XAT Syllabus: Quantitative Aptitude (QA) & Data Interpretation (DI)

Topics to study in Quantitative Aptitude (QA) & Data Interpretation (DI) section:



Tables and Caselets

Linear and Quadratics Equations

Profit and Loss


Surds and Indices

Ratio and Proportion

Critical Path



Averages and Partnerships


Time and Work

Alligations and Mixtures


Time, Speed and Distance




Simple and Compound Interest


Pure Mathematics

Venn Diagram


Data Tables

Data charts

Bar diagrams


Pie charts

Data analysis


XAT Syllabus: Verbal Ability

Topics to study in Verbal Ability section:

Reading Comprehension


Fill in the blanks

Jumbled Paragraphs

Correction of errors in sentence

Contextual usage of vocabulary


Word usage


Sentence completion

Paragraph completion In Reading Comprehension section, passages will be from literature, socio-economic essays, science and culture and abstract topics.



XAT Syllabus: Decision Making

Topics to study in Decision Making section:

Analytical Reasoning


Logical Reasoning

Data Arrangement

Conditions and grouping



Decision making




XAT Syllabus: General Knowledge

Topics to study in General Knowledge section:

Awards and winners

Static GK

History and Geography

Business and Politics


Constitution of India

Government  and Economy

Current Affairs

World Events


XAT Exam Pattern

The XAT exam pattern is the same as last year, i.e. the question paper will have four sections - Decision Making, Verbal & Logical Ability, Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation and General Knowledge. Each section will have a certain number of question in MCQ format. XAT will be held online and the duration of the exam is 3 hours. Know all about XAT exam pattern below:

XAT Exam Pattern: Highlights


Exam Structure


Number of sections

4 (Decision Making, Verbal & Logical Ability, Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation and General Knowledge)

Duration of exam

180 minutes

Number of questions


XAT Exam Total Marks


Language of paper


Number of answer choices


Mode of examination


XAT Marking scheme

+1 marks for correct answer – 0.25 mark for incorrect answer.

0.5 marks will be deducted for more than 8 un-attempted questions.

No negative marking in GK section


Section Wise XAT Exam Pattern

The table below indicates the number of questions per section and marks allotted


Number of Questions

Total Marks

Decision Making



Verbal and Logical Ability



Quantitative Ability & Data Interpretation



General Knowledge







XAT Marking Scheme

XAT will have negative marking of 0.25 marks for every wrong answer. And there’ll be deduction of 0.5 marks for more than 8 un-attempted questions. There will be no negative marking in General Knowledge section, but the scores of this section won’t be considered while calculation XAT score.

Check the table below to understand XAT marking scheme:

Right answer


Wrong answer


more than 8 unanswered questions



Important Points about XAT Exam Pattern

  • There is no sectional time limit, so the candidate will be able to apply their own strategy to solve the question paper.
  • The candidates will be allowed to move back and forth between questions.
  • XAT General Knowledge section will be dominated by current affairs and news from the business and political world, with around seven questions related to international political crisis. Some questions will be of conventional GK, including personalities, events, history, awards, science, etc. 
  • Do not carry any stationary items, bags, handbags, paper, printed (or written material), mobile phone, ear phone, microphone, pager, calculator, camera, recorder or any such electronic item in the exam hall.
  • Inside the exam hall, candidates must sit at the computer system assigned to them. If found sitting elsewhere they will be disqualified.
  • Don't forget to carry two copies of XAT admit card and one of your photo IDs issued by the Government of India to the examination center.
  • Reach your respective XAT exam center at least an hour before the reporting time.

XAT Eligibility Criteria

Candidates before applying for XAT must check the eligibility criteria. Below mentioned eligibility criteria are based on last year details. Candidates who will full fill all the Eligibility Criteria that candidate can apply for the XAT examination.

  • Age Limit: There is no age criteria for XAT.
  • Qualification: Candidate should have bachelor degree or equivalent from the recognized university.
  • Nationality: Foreign nationals and NRI candidates can apply through GMAT score card.
  • Appearing Candidates: Such candidates can also apply if studying in final year of graduation.

XAT Admit Card

XAT Admit Card release date is December 20. XLRI has announced to enable the XAT Admit Card Download process with effect from December 20, at 9am. XLRI will release the XAT exam admit card on this date as per the previous practice. The XAT Admit card download can be completed from official XAT exam website. The XAT Admit Card will remain available for download till the exam day. The XAT exam date is January 5. You will get the XAT Admit Card only if your XAT application form has been successfully submitted. Once the candidates are able to view your XAT Admit Card – candidates are suggested to immediately download it and take prints of the same.

XAT Admit card Upload date on XAT website

December 20, onwards

Early Morning

XAT Exam Admit Card Download Start date

December 20, onwards

9AM onwards

Last Date for XAT Hall Ticket Download

January 5,

Before the XAT exam commencement time


XAT Result

The result of XAT will be declared online on 31st January. Candidates would be able to check the result from the official website xatonline.in.using their XAT ID and password. The scorecards would be available from January to March end. XAT scorecard will have the sectional, as well as the overall percentile. XLRI Jamshedpur, the exam conducting body, can also send the hard copy of XAT scorecard to the candidates’ registered address if requested by paying Rs. 300 by Demand Draft in favor of XLRI Jamshedpur, payable at Jamshedpur. Candidates are advised to preserve the scorecard until the admission process gets over.

I hope all we are able to solve all your queries regarding XAT. In case of further more queries you can reach out us via email or contact number.

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