Vishwakarma University (VU Pune)

  • Survey No 2, 3,4, Kondhwa Main Rd, Laxmi Nagar, Betal Nagar, Kondhwa, Pune, Maharashtra 411048
  • Tel: +91-977000-7700 |
  • 2017
  • Private

  • Form Opening Date - 2023-12-01
  • Form Closing Date - 2024-03-15

College Profile

Vishwakarma University (VU) is a private university located in Pune, Maharashtra, India. It was established in 2013 and is approved by the University Grants.

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Our Conatct Details


Survey No 2, 3,4, Kondhwa Main Rd, Laxmi Nagar, Betal Nagar, Kondhwa, Pune, Maharashtra 411048


* Library

* WiFi

* Hostel

* Mess

* Summer Internship

Placement Statistics

Placement Percentage 89%
Highest Package INR 7.5 LPA
Average Package INR 4 LPA
Lowest Package INR 3 LPA

Important Dates for Admissions

Form Opening Date 2023-12-01
Form Closing Date 2024-03-15

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